The following GO's are issued
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DEPARTMENT: ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND FISHERIES, GO RT: 623, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 31/12/2010
Animal Husbandry Department ¿ Andhra Pradesh Livestock Development Agency ¿ Extension of deputation of Smt K. Hanumanthamma , Office Subordinate, Office of the Executive Officer, DLDA, Kurnool for the 4th year - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5271, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 31/12/2010
BUDGET ESTIMATES 2010-11-LOC for Rs.50,00,000 /- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) as additional funds to Director, APPA ¿Orders ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5270, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 31/12/2010
Budget Estimates ¿ 2010-11 ¿ Budget Release Order for Rs.631.74 lakhs (Rupees Six Crores Thirty One Lakhs and Seventy Four Thousand) towards Employment to the Urban Poor under SJSRY ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5269, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 31/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11 ¿ Budget Release Order for Rs. 8.00 lakhs in relaxation of Treasury Control Orders ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5268, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 31/12/2010
.E., 2010-11 ¿ Budget Release Order for Rs. 0.19 lakhs as additional budget in relaxation of Treasury Control and Quarterly Regulation ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5267, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Contingency Fund-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure-Sanctioned
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5266, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Contingency Fund-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure-Sanctioned
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5265, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Contingency Fund-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure-Sanctioned
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5264, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Contingency Fund-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure-Sanctioned
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5263, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Contingency Fund-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure-Sanctioned
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5262, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 30/12/2010
B. E. 2010-11 - Commissioner of Rural Development, Hyderabad..-Budget Release Order for Rs.54.00 lakhs towards DDP - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6316, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 31/12/2010
Medical Expenses ¿ Reimbursement of an amount of Rs.22,163/- to Smt. Y. Lalitha, W/o late Sri Y. Surya Prasad, Office Subordinate, General Administration Department - Sanctioned - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6315, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
General Administration Department ¿ Repairing of 4 Nos. Typewriters available in Genl.Admn.(Stores) Deptt . for the use of newly inducted minister peshies ¿ Payment of Rs.6,610/- - Sanctioned- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6314, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Government Vehicles ¿ General Administration Department ¿ General Servicing to the Government Vehicle bearing No. AP 11 F 4545 being used in the General Pool of GAD - Sanction of expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6313, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Government Vehicles ¿ General Administration Department ¿ Servicing and certain repairs to the Government Vehicle bearing No. AP 22 H 1 being used in the General Pool of GAD - Sanction of expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6312, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 31/12/2010
Information & Public Relations ¿ Media Accreditation Committees -Replacement of (2) Members in District Media Accreditation Committees issued in respect of Guntur District in the G.O. under Sl.No:5 - Amendment to G.O.Rt.No:4159, G.A. (I&PR-II) Deptt., Dt. 25-08-2009 ¿ Orders Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6311, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 31/12/2010
AIS (Leave) Rules, 1955 ¿ Sri S.Prabhakar Reddy, IPS (SPS:86), Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad, Hyderabad ¿ Retiring from service on attaining the age of superannuation on 31.12.2010 A.N ¿ Payment of cash value equivalent to the balance of Earned Leave for encashment ¿ Sanction ¿ Accorded.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6310, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
I.A.S. ¿ Sri Mrutyunjay Sahoo, I.A.S. (AP:81) ¿ Half Pay Leave commuted to full pay ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6309, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
Information & Public Relations Department ¿ Sri M.S. Siddeswara Rao, Deputy Director (Retd.) Commissionerate ¿ Reimbursement of Medical Expenditure of Rs.39,351/- towards the treatment of self for ¿Chronic Cholecystis with Cholelithiasis, CBO¿ at M.S. Ramaiah Memorial Hospital, Bangalore - Relaxation of rules ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6308, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6307, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
I.A.S. ¿ Smt.Pushpa Subrahmanyam, I.A.S. (AP:1985) ¿ Extension of Child Care Leave ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO MS: 739, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Visit of HE the President of India to Hyderabad and stay at R.P.Nilayam, Bolarum from December 24-31,2010 - Notified.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1765, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
[HM&FW ¿ AYUSH ¿ Promotions and Postings of Senior Medical Officers (Unani) to the category of Chief Medical Officers / Chief Superintendent etc., in the Department of Ayush ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 363, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Directorate of Institute of Preventive Medicine, Public Health Laboratories, Food (Health) Administration, Hyderabad ¿ Appointment of Sarvasri K.Ashok Kumar, G.Venkata Ramanaiah, Smt. T.Lalitha Kumari & K.Kumar Nayakulu, Food Inspectors (Non-Gazetted), Nalgonda District , West Godavari District , Kurnool District , Vizianagaram District as Food Inspector under Section 9 of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 ¿ Notification ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HIGHER EDUCATION, GO RT: 976, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
ABSTRACT TECHNICAL EDUCATION ¿ SNQ No.34-R give notice by Sri Nimmakalaya China Rajappa, MLC and others regarding ¿Increase of Management Quota Seats¿ - Papers ¿ Recorded.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2192, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 335, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Public Services ¿ Andhra Pradesh Jail Services ¿ Panel of Superintendent of Jails fit for promotion as Superintendent of Jails for panel year 2010 ¿ 2011 ¿ Approved ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 334, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
POLICE ¿ APPS ¿ Notional promotion of Sri P.Marthandam, as Addl. Superintendents of Police (NC) on par with his juniors ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 333, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
P.S. ¿ A.P.P.S. ¿ Panel of certain Deputy Superintendents of Police (Civil) fit for promotion as Addl. Superintendents of Police (NC) for the panel year 2007-2008 - Review Screening Committee - Recommendations in respect of Sri P.Marthandam, Addl. Superintendent of Police (NC), for notional promotion as Addl. Superintendent of Police (NC) on par with his juniors ¿ Accepted ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 332, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
P.S. ¿ APPS ¿ Notional promotion Sri G.S.Karunakar, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Civil) as Addl. Superintendent of Police (NC) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 331, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 30/12/2010
P.S. ¿ A.P.P.S. ¿ Supplementary Panel of certain Deputy Superintendents of Police (Civil) fit for temporary promotion as Addl. Superintendents of Police (NC) for the panel year 2009-2010 - Review Screening Committee - Recommendations in respect of Sri G.S.Karunakar, Deputy Superintendent of Police (Civil) ¿ Accepted ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: IRRIGATION AND CAD, GO RT: 1543, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Telephones - Irrigation & CAD Department ¿ Cost towards telephone charges of Irrigation & CAD Department ¿ Used by the Officers -Expenditure ¿ Sanctioned.
DEPARTMENT: IRRIGATION AND CAD, GO RT: 1542, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Cell phones - Irrigation & CAD Department ¿ Cost towards Cell phone charges of Irrigation & CAD Department ¿ Used by the Officers -Expenditure ¿ Sanctioned.
DEPARTMENT: IRRIGATION AND CAD, GO RT: 1541, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Office Expenses - Irrigation & CAD (IW) Department - Payment towards cost of certain stationery items and toner cartridges etc for the use of office for an amount of Rs. 49,330/- - sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2463, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
ESTABLISHMENT- Law Department - Sanction of amount to Sri N. Venkateswara Rao, Additional Secretary to Government (Translations) (Retired), Law Department Under Group Insurance Scheme - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2462, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Establishment - Law Department - Sri N. Venkateswara Rao, Additional Secretary to Government (Translations) (Retd), Law Department - Refund of Family Benefit Fund amount together with interest accrued thereon on his retirement from service on 30.11.2010 A.N. on attaining the age of Superannuation - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2461, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
ESTABLISHMENT- Law Department - Sanction of amount to Sri D. Augustine Jayaraj, Deputy Secretary to Government (Retired), Law Department Under Group Insurance Scheme - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2460, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Establishment - Law Department - Sri D. Augustine Jayaraj, Deputy Secretary to Government (Retired), Law Department - Refund of Family Benefit Fund amount together with interest accrued thereon on his retirement from service on 31.08.2010 A.N. on attaining the age of Superannuation - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1944, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
LOANS AND ADVANCES to the State Government Servants- Sanction of Motor Cycle Advance of Rs.60,000/- (Rupees Sixty Thousand only) to Sri B.Madhava Rao, Office Subordinate, P.R&R.D Department - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1943, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
B.E. 2010-2011 ¿ Engineer-in-Chief, Rural Water Supply & Sanitation, Hyderabad - Budget Release Order for Rs.132.83 Lakhs as additional funds ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Accorded - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1942, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Chittoor District ¿ PMGSY Phase VII ¿ ¿Road from KPP road to Mambedu HW, Venugopalapuram in Chittoor District¿ - Revised Administrative Sanction ¿ Permission ¿ Accorded - Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO MS: 440, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO MS: 439, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1036, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Planning Department ¿ Stationery Items - Printing of 5 No¿s D.O. Letter pads (A4 Size), 2 No¿s Pre Ink Stamp Pads and 300 No¿s Visiting Cards with Govt. Logo for the use of peshi of Principal Secretary to Government, Planning Department ¿ Payment to M/s Apurva Enterprises, Hyderabad - Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1035, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Planning Department ¿ Vehicles -Repairs and Replacements to the Govt. Vehicle bearing No. AP 12B 72 of Planning Department - Payment to M/s V.R.M.Auto Works, Secunderabad - Sanctioned ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1758, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Survey Settlements & Land Records Department ¿ Budget Estimates 2010-11 ¿ Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.8,75,000/- towards 1st quarter Survey Training School ¿ Accorded ¿ Amendment ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1757, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 31/12/2010
Public Servants - Prohibition and Excise Department ¿ Andhra Pradesh Excise Service ¿ Retirement from service on attaining the age of superannuation of 58 years during the year 2011 ¿ Notification ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1756, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Public Services ¿ Prohibition & Excise Department ¿ Posting of Sri N. Jaganmohan Rao, AC (Enft) of Proh & Excise, Warangal (on leave) in Andhra Pradesh Beverages Corporation Limited as Asst. Commissioner - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: SCHOOL EDUCATION, GO RT: 806, Category :Others, Dated: 31/12/2010
Loans and Advaances ¿ Re-allocation of funds under Loans and Advances to Government Servants working in Education (SE) Department, Heads of Departments and Regional/Dist. Offices towards Cycle and other conveniences Advances for Second and Third Quarter of 2010-2011 ¿ Orders Issued.
DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL WELFARE, GO RT: 1069, Category :Others, Dated: 30/12/2010
Social Welfare Department ¿ Budget Estimates 2010-11 ¿ Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.1250.00 lakhs to the A.P. Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, towards third quarter for Construction of permanent Residential School Complexes to (38) A.P.S.W. Residential Schools under NABARD (RIDF ¿ XV) ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens - Budget Estimates 2010-11 Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.10,74,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs Seventy Four Thousand Only) under Plan towards 3rd installment from the B.E. Provision 2010-11 to the Director of Women Development and Child Welfare - Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued.
W.C.D & S.C. Department ¿ Disabled Welfare ¿ B.E. for the year 2010-11 for an amount of Rs.50,00,000/- ( Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) towards 3rd Installment under Non- Plan ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
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