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DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION, GO RT: 1767, Category :Tours, Dated: 29/12/2010
Agriculture ¿ Tour of Sri S. Bala Linganna, Additional Director of Agriculture-III, O/o the Commissioner & Director of Agriculture, A.P., Hyderabad - Hearing of Special Leave Petition (C) No.34731 of 2010 Govt.of A.P & Others versus A.P Fertilizers Mixtures Manufacturers Association and others by the Hon¿ble Supreme Court on 4.1.2011¿Permission Accorded ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION, GO RT: 1766, Category :Tours, Dated: 29/12/2010
Agriculture ¿ Tour of the Additional Advocate General, Honorable High Court A.P., Hyderabad ¿ Hearing of Special Leave Petition (C) No.34731 of 2010 Govt.of A.P & Others versus A.P Fertilizers Mixtures Manufacturers Association and others by the Hon¿ble Supreme Court on 4.1.2011¿Permission Accorded ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION, GO RT: 1765, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
AGRICULTURE ¿ Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (MNAIS) ¿ Rabi 2010-11 ¿ Implementation in three Districts under Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme during Rabi 2010-11 in the State - Notification Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION, GO RT: 1764, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Agriculture Deptt. ¿ Dr.Christina Z.Chongthu, IAS, VC & MD, APSSDC, Hyderabad and in charge of the post of Director, APSSSCA, Hyderabad went on E.L. from 27.12.2010 to 7.1.2010 to avail LTC (Home Town) during the block period 2010-11 ¿ Posting notified ¿ Leave sanctioned ¿ Alternative arrangements ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION, GO RT: 1763, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Servants ¿ Agricultural Marketing Department ¿ Sri Mohd. Ilyas, Joint Director of Marketing, Kadapa - Retired from Pubic Service on attaining the age of superannuation on 30-06-2010 - Sanction of Provisional Pension ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION, GO RT: 1762, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Office Procedure ¿ Agriculture and Cooperation Department ¿ Telephones ¿ Telephone Bills for the month of November, 2010¿ Expenditure ¿ Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND FISHERIES, GO MS: 83, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
FISHERIES ¿ Constitution of a Committee for Development of Aqua food processing park in West Godavari District with particular reference to pangasius fish species ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 471, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011¿Administrative Sanction Order for an amount of Rs.2,37,000/-(Rupees Two Lakhs and Thirty Seven thousands only) towards 3rdquarter for the Managerial Subsidy to the A.P. Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd and the Managerial Subsidy to the A.P.Nayee Brahman Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd, to the Director of B.C.Welfare, A.P.,Hyderabad- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 470, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011¿Plan-Administrative Sanction Order for Rs.10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crores only) towards 3rd quarter for expenditure to be incurred under Plan Scheme of Assistance to APREI Society for Residential High Schools-Cum-Junior Colleges for Backward Classes, to the Director of B.C. Welfare, - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 469, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011¿Administrative Sanction Order for an amount of Rs.7,50,000/- (Rupees Seven Lakhs and Fifty Thousands only) towards 3rd quarter for expenditure to be incurred under Plan Scheme of Headquarters Office Director of B.C. Welfare- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 468, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011¿Administrative Sanction Order for an amount of Rs.43,75,000/-(Rupees Forty Three Lakhs and Seventy Five Thousands only) towards 3rd quarter for expenditure to be incurred under Plan Scheme of District Offices to the Director of B.C. Welfare,- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 467, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011¿Administrative Sanction Order for an amount of Rs.12,50,000/-(Rupees Twelve Lakhs and Fifty Thousand only) towards 3rd quarter provision for Investments to the A.P. Washermen Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd and A.P.Nayee Brahmin Cooperative Societies Federation Ltd , from B.E.2010-11, to the Director of B.C.Welfare, A.P.,Hyderabad- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 466, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011¿Non-Plan-Administrative Sanction Order for an amount of Rs.2,75,00,000/-(Rupees Two Crores and Seventy Five Lakhs only) towards 3rd quarter for Financial Assistance under Managerial subsidy to A.P. State Backward Classes Co-operative Finance Corporation, to the Director of B.C.Welfare A.P.,Hyderabad- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE, GO RT: 465, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Loans & Advances ¿ Loan to Government Servants - Allotment of funds for Purchase of Motor Car purpose to Government Servants towards 3rd quarter for the Financial Year 2010-2011 ¿ Re-Allocated ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: DISASTER MANAGEMENT, GO RT: 430, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Natural Calamities ¿ Flood Relief Operations during October, 2009 ¿ Flood relief flights chartered - Payment of Rs.3,86,050/- to the Air India SATS Airport Services, Hyderabad ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: DISASTER MANAGEMENT, GO RT: 429, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Government Vehicles ¿ Payment of an amount of Rs.23,350/- to M/s V.R.M.Auto Works, Secunderabad towards the cost of leather seat covers, mats, Flag Rod etc., to Qualis car bearing number AP 9 AU 1199 of Revenue (DM) Department ¿ Amount ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: DISASTER MANAGEMENT, GO RT: 428, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Revenue (DM) Department- Stationery Items ¿ Sanction of an amount of Rs,30,317/- to be paid to M/s Kakatiya Enterprises, R.T.C. Cross Roads, Hyderabad, towards the cost of stationery items, water bottles, Bombay dying towels and napkins .etc., for the official use of Revenue (DM)Department ¿ Sanction- Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: DISASTER MANAGEMENT, GO RT: 427, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Revenue (DM) Department ¿ Sanction of an amount of Rs. 2,40,240/- towards Advertisement charges to M/s Touch Stone Advertising Pvt. Ltd Hyderabad ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Establishment ¿ Forest Department ¿ Transfer and posting of certain Deputy Range Officers ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Establishment ¿ Forest Department ¿ Sri S.Kishan Das, Asst.Conservator of Forests (MIS), O/o.the Prl.Chief Conservator of Forests, A.P., Hyderabad ¿ Regularization of the period from 5.3.2010 to 28.4.2010 as compulsory wait ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
E.F.S&T DEPARTMENT ¿ Supply of Petrol to the Government Vehicles of the Department during the month of November, 2010 ¿ Payment of Rs.27,497/- to the DM, APSCSC Limited, Hyderabad ¿ sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5235, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Thirteenth Finance Commission grants to Local bodies ¿ Procedure to release the grants within the period prescribed by the Government of India ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5234, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Establishment - APGLI Department ¿ Sri K. Mahipal, Senior Accountant, District Insurance Office, Ranga Reddy ¿ Sanctioned medical reimbursement for his wife¿s treatment at ¿Anitha Nursing Home¿, Hyderabad ¿ Reimbursement for an amount of Rs.15,300/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred only) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5233, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Establishment - APGLI Department ¿ Sri V. Vilasa Rao, Assistant Director, District Insurance Office, Nellore ¿ Sanctioned medical reimbursement for his treatment at ¿Hyderabad Eye Centre¿, Hyderabad ¿ Reimbursement for an amount of Rs.9,000/- (Rupees Nine Thousand only) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5232, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
BUDGET ESTIMATES 2010-11- LOC for Rs.3,48,00,000/- (Rupees Three Crores Forty Eight Lakhs Only ) under NON-PLAN to the CE, (Builds) AP Hyd ¿Orders ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5231, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Services ¿ Treasuries and Accounts Department ¿ Medical Claim in respect of Sri C.Gurrapppa, DD(Retired) &(expired on30.03.2010), O/o District Treasury, Anantapur- reimbursed to his wife Smt. R. Maruthi Kumari - Relaxation of APIMA Rules1972 ¿ Sanctioned - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5230, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
RIDF ¿ Schemes for completion of ongoing Irrigation Projects and other schemes ¿ Sanction of loans by NABARD under RIDF ¿ Payment of interest charges for the quarter ending 31-12-2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5229, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010 - 2011 - Chief Engineer (R&B), Buildings, Hyderabad - Budget Release Order for Rs.200.00 Lakhs under Plan - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5228, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11 - Engineer-in-Chief (R&B), State Roads, Hyderabad - Budget Release Order for Rs.650.00 Lakhs under Plan - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5227, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Finance Department ¿ Gazetted ¿ Sri. J.Vijaya Kumar, Section Officer, ¿ Appointment to the post of Section Officer (SG) Scale on completion of 8 years of service in the category of Section Officer (SG) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5226, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Contingency Fund-Advances for meeting unforeseen expenditure-Sanctioned
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5225, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11 - Budget Release Order for Rs.304.40 crores towards Tariff subsidy during 2010-11 to APTRANSCO - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5224, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-2011 ¿ Budget Release Order for Rs.11,13,50,000/- to the Director of School Education, A.P., Hyderabad¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5223, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11 Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.10,74,000/-(Rupees Ten Lakhs Seventy Four Thousand Only ) under Plan towards 3rd installment from the B.E. Provision 2010-11 to the Director of Women Development and Child Welfare - Orders ¿Issued
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE, GO RT: 5222, Category :Budget Release Order, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11 - Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.9,19,000/- to the Director of Public Health and Family Welfare, A.P., Hyderabad, under Plan from the B.E. 2010-11¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: FINANCE WORKS AND PROJECTS, GO RT: 310, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Finance (W&P) Department ¿ Annual Maintenance contract for Gestetner Digital Multi Functional Device, model 3227G, installed in the Peshi of Secretary to Government, (W&P) Charges for period from 19.10.2010 to 13.12.2010 - Sanction of an amount of Rs. 1552/- to M/s Ricoh India Limited, Hyderabad - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6281, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
AIS - Permissions ¿ Permission to Sri M. SAHOO, IAS(81), Principal Secretary to Government (Stamps & Registration), Revenue Department, to attend the meeting of Sub Committee of Standing Committee of State Secretaries of Stamps and Registration, scheduled to be held on 07-01-2011 at New Delhi - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6280, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
STAMPS ¿ Postage Stamps of Rs.20,000/- for use in Tappal/Despatch of Elections Branch, General Administration Department ¿ Sanctioned - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6279, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
AIS - Permissions ¿ Permission to Sri A.C. Punetha, IAS (84), Principal Secretary to Government, Revenue Department and Sri N.Siva Sankar, IAS (93), Commissioner, Survey Settlements and Land Records to visit New Delhi on 29-12-2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6278, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
BUDGET 2010 - 2011 - Grant No.IV General Administration and Elections - Major Head -2070-O.A.S -104 -Vigilance-05-Dept. of Vigilance and Enforcement (Head Quarters) to -2070-O.A.S -104 -Vigilance-06-Dept. of Vigilance and Enforcement (DTF) Re-appropriation of funds - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6277, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Information and Public Reltions - Extension of contract period of Sri M. Mohan Reddy, Sri Ch. Ganesh and Sri K. Subramanya Sastry, Associate Editors for a further period of two years with effect from 07-12-2010 ¿ Orders Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6276, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - ACB ¿ Vehicles ¿ Permission accorded to purchase two (2) Multi-Utility Vehicles in Anti Corruption Bureau at a cost Rs.6.25 Lakhs each¿ Modification - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6275, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
PREVENTIVE DETENTION ¿ The Andhra Pradesh Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Bootleggers, Dacoits, Drug Offenders, Goondas, Immoral Traffic Offenders and Land Grabbers Act, 1986 (Act No.1 of 1986) ¿ Order of Detention made by the Collector & District Magistrate, East Godavari against Sri Kudupudi Venkata Rao @ Ramana, S/o. Rama Rao, aged 48 years, R/o. (Near) Ramalayam, Medaripeta, Rajahmundry Town, East Godavari District - Approval ¿Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6274, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ ACB - Sri S. Santosh Kiran, Inspector of Police, Anti-Corruption Bureau, City Range-II, Hyderabad ¿ Sanction of additional pay for holding full addl. charge of the post of Inspector of Police, Anti Corruption Bureau, City Range-II, Hyderabad @1/10th of the substantive pay of the present post from 29.1.2010 to 28.4.2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6273, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Estt.-G.A.D. - Medical Expenses ¿ Reimbursement of an amount of Rs.18,412/- to Sri P.V.Rao, IAS,(Retd.) former Chief Secretary to Govt., General Administration Department - Sanctioned - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6272, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
I.A.S. - Surrender of Earned Leave for encashment during the Financial Year 2010 - 2011 ¿ Permission ¿ Accorded.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6271, Category :Tours, Dated: 28/12/2010
Foreign Visit ¿ Permission to Sri Hitesh Malhotra, IFS, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (WL) and Chief Wild Life Warden to visit South Africa ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6270, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
ESTABLISMENT ¿ G.A.D. ¿ Utilization of services of (8) Office Subordinates sponsored by Cybertek Solutions Hyderabad in GAD for the period from 22.11.2010 to 21.12.2010 ¿ Sanction of Rs. 41,614/- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6269, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Secretariat Buildings - General Administration Department - Supply of Door Mat & Curtains to Asst.Secretary to Government (OL) at Room No.212, B-Block ¿ Sanction of Expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6268, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Secretariat Buildings - General Administration Department - Supply of Window curtains and fixing of Window Glass at GA (OP.IV) Section, C-Block ¿ Sanction of Expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6267, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Secretariat Buildings - General Administration Department - Supply of one black Table Glass & Colour cloth to OSD to Chairm, High Power Committee on Remote and Interior Areas Development, at B-Block, 4th Floor ¿ Sanction of Expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO RT: 6266, Category :Tours, Dated: 28/12/2010
ELECTIONS ¿ Tour ¿ Sri T. Dakshina Murthy, Additional Chief Electoral Officer & Additional Secretary to Government - Tour to Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari ¿ Sanction of Advance ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, GO MS: 731, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LOANS AND ADVANCES ¿ Loans to Members of Legislative Assembly/ Council ¿ Purchase of Motor Car - Enhancement of Ceiling limit from Rs. 2.50 lakhs to Rs. 4.50 lakhs ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1752, Category :Transfers, Dated: 29/12/2010
HM&FW Department - APMES ¿ Dr. K.A.V. Subrahmanyam, Professor of Endocrinology, Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad ¿ Transfer and Posting as Professor of Endocrinology, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1751, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11¿Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.10,88,52,000/- to the Director of Medical Education, AP, Hyderabad under Non-Plan towards 3rd installment i.e. 25% from the B.E. 2010-11 ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1750, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11¿ Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.4,68,00,000/- as additional funds to the Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare, AP, Hyderabad under Normal State Plan from the BE 2010-11 - Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1749, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Health Medical & Family Welfare Department ¿ Loans and Advances to Government Servants ¿ Allotment of funds for Marriage Advance to Government employees for the 3rd quarter of the year 2010-2011 ¿ Re-allocation ¿ Orders ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1748, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Andhra Pradesh Medical Education Services ¿ Dr.M.Anuradha, Tutor, Department of Physiology, Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad ¿ Transfer and Posting as Civil Assistant Surgeon (Opthal) at Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1747, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
A.P. Health Medical & Family Welfare Services ¿ Filling up the post of Director of Public Health & Family Welfare ¿ Promotion ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1746, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ HM & FW Department ¿ Loans and Advances to Government Servants ¿ Allotment of funds for purchase of Motorcycle to Government employees for the 3rd quarter of the year 2010-2011 ¿ Re-allocation ¿ Orders ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1745, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11¿Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.206,55,95,000/- to the Commissioner of Health and Family Welfare, AP, Hyderabad under Plan (CSS) towards 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters from the B.E. 2010-11 ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1744, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11¿Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.18,75,000/- to the Director of Medical Education, AP, Hyderabad under Plan to meet the remuneration to the outsourcing staff working in RIMS Medical College at Kadapa from the B.E. 2010-11 ¿Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1743, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11¿Budget Release Order for an amount of Rs.2,87,50,000/- to the Director of Medical Education, AP, Hyderabad under Plan towards 50% of 4th installment from the B.E. 2010-11 in relaxation of quarterly regulation orders¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1742, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Director of Public Health & Family Welfare ¿ Smt. V.Srujana Rani, Staff Nurse, Area Hospital, Kothagudem, Khammam District (Zone-V) ¿ Transferred and Posted to Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad (Zone-VI) on spousal grounds ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1741, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
HM&FW ¿ Ayush ¿ Retirement of Unani Doctors in different categories during the year 2011 on Superannuation ¿ Notification ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1740, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
HM&FW ¿ AYUSH ¿ Retirement of Homoeo Doctors in different categories during the year 2011 on attaining the age of Superannuation ¿ Notification ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO RT: 1739, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
APVVP ¿ Dr. M.Pradeep Rao, Medical Superintendent, Area Hospital, Narayanpet, Mahabubnagar District - Transfer and posting to District Hospital, Nizamabad ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 360, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Servants ¿ Health Medical & Family Welfare Department ¿ Sri Ch. Ramulu, Administrative Officer (Retired), Area Hospital, Miryalaguda, Nalgonda district ¿ Departmental proceedings under rule 20 of APCS (CC&A) Rules, 1991 ¿ Initiated ¿ Charges held proved ¿ Penalty of withholding 10% pension for a period of four years ¿ Awarded ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 359, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Servants ¿ A.P. Medical & Health Service ¿ Dr. C. Anjaneyulu, Civil Assistant Surgeon, District Hospital, Nandyal, Kurnool district ¿ Allegations of possession of assets disproportionate to the known sources of income ¿ Prosecuted in a court of Law ¿ Convicted by the Hon¿ble Court of the I Additional Special Judge for SPE & ACB Cases cum Additional Chief Judge, City Civil Court, Hyderabad in C.C. No. 28 of 2006 ¿ Penalty of dismissal from service ¿ Awarded ¿Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 358, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad ¿ Branch- I of Medical Services ¿ Civil Surgeon Specialist ¿ Dr. V.Laxman Rao, M.D. (OB & GY), Civil Assistant Surgeon - Promotion as Civil Surgeon Specialist (OB & GY) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 357, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
A.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad ¿ Branch- I of Medical Services ¿ Civil Surgeon Specialist ¿ Dr. V.Kotya Naik, M.D, Deputy Civil Surgeon - Promotion as Civil Surgeon Specialist (OB & GY) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 356, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
A.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad ¿ Branch- I of Medical Services ¿ Civil Surgeon Specialist ¿ Dr. R.Ramjee Naik, M.D. (OB & GY), Deputy Civil Surgeon -Promotion as Civil Surgeon Specialist (OB & GY) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HEALTH MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE, GO MS: 355, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
A.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad ¿ Branch- I of Medical Services ¿ Civil Surgeon Specialist ¿ Dr.Y. Lakshmi Nalini, M.D., Deputy Civil Surgeon - Promotion as Civil Surgeon Specialist (OB & GY) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HIGHER EDUCATION, GO RT: 972, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
BUDGET 2010-2011 ¿ Intermediate Education ¿ Administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.36,00,000/- as Additional funds by way of Resumption towards construction of Additional Class Rooms & Toilets in (3) Government Junior Colleges at Mulkapalli, Chintoor and Gundala in Khammam District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HIGHER EDUCATION, GO RT: 971, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
APIES ¿ Smt. N.Varudhini, Principal (Rtd), Government Junior College for Girls, Peddapally, Karimnagar ¿ Disciplinary Proceedings under Rule 20 of the APCS (CC&A) Rules, 1991 ¿ Finalization of disciplinary proceedings under A.P. Revised pension Rules ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HIGHER EDUCATION, GO MS: 221, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
APIES ¿ District Vocational Education Officer in Intermediate Education ¿ Sri B.Venkatesham, Junior Lecturer (Retd) - Notional promotion as District Vocational Education Officer ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2189, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Police ¿ Imposition of the penalty of 5 % (five percent) cut in pension for a period of three years on Sri K. G. Ghousuddin, PC 1396 of CAR Hqrs., of Hyderabad City (now retired) ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2188, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Police ¿ Petition of Sri S. Srinivasa Babu, Ex PC 1655 of 1st Bn., APSP against the punishment of removal from service¿ Modified - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2187, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Police ¿ Revision petition of Sri ASV Prasad, HC 665, Sri U. Bhavani Shankara Rao, HC 855 and Sri V. Venkateswara Rao, PC 1323 of CAR, Vijayawada against the punishment of PPI for two years with cumulative effect¿ Set aside - Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2186, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Services - Police Department - Disciplinary proceedings against Sri M.Venu, formerly Deputy Superintendent of Police (AR), Anantapur (now retired) ¿ Charge held `Not Proved¿ ¿ Further action dropped ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2185, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
P.S. ¿ Police Department - Representation of Sri K.Srinivasa Rao, Inspector of Police, SIT, Hyderabad, for expunction of adverse remarks recorded in his ACR for the period from 1.4.2006 to 17.11.2006 ¿ Allowed - Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2184, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
POL ¿ Home Department ¿ Payment of Rs. 8,691/- towards the cost of Petrol/Diesel, Oil and Lubricants Charges incurred on the Government Vehicle No.AP-9 P8173 of Home Department for the month of November, 2010 ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2183, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2182, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2181, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
A.P. State Disaster Response & Fire Service Department - Payment of Insurance premium to National Insurance Company Rs.4,72,000/- Budget Estimate 2010-11, under Non Plan ¿ Budget Release Order issued - Administrative Sanction ¿ Accorded ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2180, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Services- Prisons Department - Sri P.Venugopal, Jailor ¿ Extension of Probation till the date of passing tests and fixing the date of commencement of probation ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO RT: 2179, Category :Transfers, Dated: 28/12/2010
P.S. ¿ A.P.P.S. ¿ Transfer and posting of Superintendents of Police (NC) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 329, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Rules ¿ Public Service ¿ Special Rules for Andhra Pradesh Police Subordinate Service Rules ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: HOME, GO MS: 328, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
PS ¿ Police Department ¿ Kadapa District ¿ Conviction of Sri K.Ganganna, the then CI, now retired as Deputy Superintendent of Police and Sri Ananda Rao, PC 1098 (now retired), in S.C.No.187/1991, dated 1.6.2009 by the Asst. Sessions Judge, Proddatur ¿ Imposing penalty of withholding of entire pensionary benefits ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, GO RT: 799, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Industries and Commerce Department ¿ sanction of Rs.30,000/- towards purchase of postage and service stamps for the use of Industries and Commerce Department ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, GO RT: 798, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Industries & Commerce Department ¿ Expenditure of Rs.14,211/- towards telephone charges for the months of November 2010 during the financial year 2010-11 - Sanctioned ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: INFRASTRUCTURE AND INVESTMENT, GO RT: 264, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
GOVERNMENT VEHICLES - Infrastructure & Investment Department ¿ Repairs to Government Vehicle bearing No.AP 15 AC1 being used by the Principal Secretary to Government, Infrastructure & Investment Department ¿ Sanction of an amount of Rs.9780/- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: INFRASTRUCTURE AND INVESTMENT, GO RT: 263, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
GOVERNMENT VEHICLES ¿ Infrastructure & Investment Department ¿ Expenditure towards supply of POL to Government Vehicles during the month of November, 2010 - Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: INFRASTRUCTURE AND INVESTMENT, GO RT: 262, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
A.P. Infrastructure Authority ¿ Audit Report of APIA for the year 2009-10 laid on Table of State Legislature on 15-12-2010 ¿ Papers recorded for future reference.
DEPARTMENT: IRRIGATION AND CAD, GO RT: 1538, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ I &CAD Department - A.P. Engineering Service ¿ Sri J.S.Sundaram, Executive Engineer - Retired on 30-06-2010 ¿ Sanction of Provisional Pension ¿ Orders¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: IRRIGATION AND CAD PW WING, GO RT: 865, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
I&CAD ¿ Major Irrigation ¿ Release of water of different projects ¿ Orders ¿ Issued
The 100% Export Oriented Units Industry in the State as Public Utility Service ¿ Further extension ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2404, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.206/2009 of Tadipatri (Urban) Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Tadipatri vide CC No.30/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2403, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.176/2009 of Uravakonda Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Anantapur vide CC No.337/2009 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2402, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.90/2009 of Kothacheruvu Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Penukonda vide CC No.100/2010¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2401, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.97/2009 of O.D.Cheruvu Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2400, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.348/2009 of Suryapet Town Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Suryapet vide CC No.110/2010¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2399, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 86/2010 of RPS Warangal Police Station under sections 147, 188, 341, 149, IPC and Sec.174 of Indian Railways Act - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2398, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No119/2009 of Pothkapalli Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Sulthanabad, Vide C.C.No 6/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2397, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 138/2009 of Ramagundam Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Godavari Khani Vide C. C. No 115/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2396, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Ranga Reddy District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 394/2009 of Vikarabad Police Station under sections 153-A, 427, 290, 114 and 118 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Vikarabad Vide C. C. No 12/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2395, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 89/2010 of RPS Warangal Police Station under sections 143, 147, 188, 290, 341, 506, 149, of Indian Penal code, 1860 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2394, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 88/2010 of RPS Warangal Police Station under sections 341,333, 188, 506, r/w 149 IPC 1860 and Sec.174, of Indian Railways Act- Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2393, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Khammam District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No211/2009 of Yellandu Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Yellandu, Vide C.C.No 14/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2392, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Khammam District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 83/2009 of Vemsoor Police Station under sections 143, 341, 188 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Addl. Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Sathupally vide C. C. No 256/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2391, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 282/2009 of Kazipet Police Station under section 188 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble II-Addl. Munsif Magistrate Court Warangal Vide C. C. No 39/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2390, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.115/2009 of Narnoor Police Station, under sections 143, 341, 188 and 109 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Utnoor vide CC No.90/2010¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2389, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 87/2010 of RPS Warangal Police Station under sections 143, 147, 188, 341, 505 (ii), r/w IPC,1860 and Sec. 174 of Indian Railways Act pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Warangal Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2388, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.255/2009 of Kadiri Town Police Station, under sections 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2387, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.262/2009 of Kadiri Town Police Station, under sections 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2386, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Khammam District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No 293/2009 of Khammam II-Town Police Station under sections 143, 188 read with 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble I-Addl.Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Khammam vide C. C. No 104/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2385, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Ranga Reddy District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 202/2009 of Shankerpally Police Station under sections 188, 341 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Chevella, Vide C.C.No 99/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2384, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No 169/2009 of Bejjanki Police Station under sections 309, 448 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Husnabad vide C. C. No 17/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2383, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.168/2009 of Tripuraram Police Station, under sections 153-A, 427, 186 read with section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Prl.District Magistrate Court, Miryalaguda vide CC No.448/2010¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2382, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No.342/2009 of Matwada Police Station under sections 188, 427, 506 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Vth Addl Munsif Magistrate Court, Warangal Vide C. C. No.53/2010 orders ¿ issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2381, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No.2/2010 of Kalwa Srirampur Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Sultanabad, Vide C.C.No.23/2010 orders ¿ issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2380, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medak District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No 207/2009 of Chinnakodur Police Station under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Siddipet vide STC. No 04/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2379, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No.223/2009, of Sultanabad Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Sultanabad Vide C. C. No.76/2010 orders ¿ issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2378, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.104/2009 of Indervelli Police Station, under sections 143, 341, 188 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Utnoor vide CC No.7/2010¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2377, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medak District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 112/2009 of Dubbak Police Station under sections 143, 341, 188, r/w 149 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Siddipet Vide C. C. No 145/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2376, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.381/2009, of Godavarikhani I Town Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Godavarikhani, Vide C.C.No.454/2009 orders ¿ issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2375, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medak District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No 01/2010 of Siddipet (Rural) Police Station under sections 153-A and 427 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Siddipet vide C. C. No 09/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2374, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No 181/2009 of Ghanpur (w) Police Station under sections 143, 188, of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble IV-Addl. Judicial First Class Magistrate, Warangal Vide C. C. No 1461/2010 Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2373, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
East Godavari District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused Sri. Pilli Subba Reddy, S/o. Sri Appala Reddy in Cr.No.358/2009, III Town (L&O) Police Station, Rajahmundry, under section 309 Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble IIIrd Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court ,Rajahmundry, Vide C.C.No.55/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2372, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Law Department ¿ General Provident Fund Final Withdrawal from the amount standing at the credit of General Provident Fund account of Sri K. Ramesh Choudary, record Assistant, Law Department ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2371, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Visakhapatnam District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.130/2009 of Arakuvalley Police Station, under section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Arakuvalley, vide C.C.No.22/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2370, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.85/2009, of Devapur Police Station under sections 143,188,341 r/w 149 and 109 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Mancherial, Vide C.C.No. 14/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2369, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.123/2009 of Ramagundam Police Station, under sections 143, 188 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Godavarikhani, vide CC No.470/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2368, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.144/2009 of Arvapally Police Station, under section 143, 309 read with 149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Suryapet, vide CC.No.48/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2367, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
East Godavari District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.360/2009 of III Town (L&O)Police Station, Rajahmundry under section 309 r/w 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble IIIrd Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Rajahmundry, Vide C.C.No. 31/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2366, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medak District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.281/2009 of Siddipet-I Town Police Station, under section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Special Judicial IInd Class Magistrate Court, Siddipet, vide C.C.No.STC No.21/10 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2365, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Ranga Reddy District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.1445/2009 of Meerpet P.S., under section 143 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble IInd Metropolitan Magistrate Court, L.B.Nagar, vide CC No.86/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2364, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.188/2009 of CCC Naspur Police Station, under section 143, 341 read with 149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Ist Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Mancherial, vide C.C.No.465/2009 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2363, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.274/2009 of Bhupalpally Police Station, under sections 143, 147, 188 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Parkal, vide CC No.127/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2362, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
East Godavari District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.355/2009 of III Town (L & O) Police Station, Rajahmundry under section 309 r/w 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble IIIrd Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Rajahmundry, Vide C.C.No. 32/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2361, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Mahabubnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.145/2009 of Achampet Police Station, under section 341, 290 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate (Special Mobile) Court, Nagarkurnool vide STC.No.47/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2360, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No159/2009 of Gangadhara Police Station under section 309 of Indian Penal code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Vemulawada Vide C.C.No103/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2359, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.460/2009 of Mancherial Police Station, under section 143, 341 read with 149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Principal Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Mancherial, vide C.C.No.17/10 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2358, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
East Godavari District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.105/2009 of Razole Police Station under section 309 r/w 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Razole, Vide C.C.No.32/10 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2357, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No.348/2009 of Choutuppal Police Station, under section 143, 341, 188 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2356, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Guntur District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.368/2009 of Pedakakani Police Station under section 309 Indian Penal Code, 1860 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2355, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Khammam District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.290/2009 of Khammam-II Town Police Station, under section 143, 341 read with 149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Ist Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Khammam, vide C.C.No.103/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2354, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Karimnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.359/2009 of Godavarikhani-I Town Police Station, under sections 143, 188 and 341 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Godavarikhani, vide CC No.12/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2353, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.201/2009 of Chennur Police Station under sections 143,341,188 r/w 149 and 109 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Chennur, Vide C.C.No.17/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2352, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.195/2009 of Kattangur Police Station, under section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Nakrekal, vide C.C.No.51/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2351, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.106/2010 of Mogullapally Police Station, under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Parkal, vide CC No.360/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2350, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Mahabubnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.127/2009 of Bijinapally Police Station, under section 188, 143, 341 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Special Mobile Court, Nagarkurnool, vide STC.No.19/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2349, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.165/2009 of Ramakrishnapur Police Station under sections 143,341,188,186 r/w 149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble 1st Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate, Manchirial, Vide C.C.No. 51/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2348, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.184/2009 of Mahabubabad (T) Police Station, under sections 153-A, 188, 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Mahabubabad, vide CC No.125/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2347, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.174/2009 of Kadam Police Station, under sections 188, 143,341, r/w, 149 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate, Nirmal, Vide C.C.No.51/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2346, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.136/2009 of Gorantla Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Penukonda vide CC No.181/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2345, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medak District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.01/2010 of Gowraram Police Station, under section 324, 341 read with 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court at Gajwel, vide C.C.No.16/10 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2344, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.231/2009 of Dharmavaram (Urban) Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Dharmavaram vide CC No.12/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2343, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.132/2009 of Kesamudram Police Station under sections 447,427 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Additional Judicial First Class Munsiff Magistrate at Mahabubabad, Vide C.C.No.30/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2342, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.380/2009 of Anantapur II-Town Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Anantapur vide CC No.187/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2341, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Mahabubnagar District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No.220/2009 of Gadwal Town Police Station, under section 143 of Indian Penal Code, Sec 23 of JJ Act 1986, pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Gadwal, vide C.C.No.STC.2/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2340, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.264/2009 of Bhupalapally Police Station, under section 309 read with section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Parkal, vide CC No.486/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2339, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Crime No.458/2009 of Mancherial Police Station, under section 435 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Principal Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Mancherial, vide C.C.No.16/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2338, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Warangal District ¿ Withdrawal of Prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.281/2009 of KUC Police Station under sections 309, 447, 341, 283 r/w. 34 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Principal District Magistrate, at Warangal, Vide C.C.No.09/2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2337, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Ranga Reddy District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.636/2009 of Hayathnagar Police Station, under sections 147, 427 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble VIIth Metropolitan Magistrate Court, vide CC No.110/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2336, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Crime No.81/2009 of Narayanpur Police Station, under section 153 (B), 505 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Nalgonda, vide C.C.No.95/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2335, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.72/2009 of Nallamada Police Station, under section 309 read with section 34 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2334, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.90/2009 of Tandur Police Station, under sections 143, 341, 188 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Asifabad, vide CC No.514/2009 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2333, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Nalgonda District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr. No.268/2009 of Nalgonda II Town Police Station, under section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Nalgonda, vide C.C.No.320/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2332, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.260/2009 of Kadiri Town Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2331, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment-Law Department ¿Stores PERMANENT ADVANCE-Recoupment of Permanent Advance of expenditure incurred for the month of August, 2010 Sanctioned ¿Orders-Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2330, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Adilabad District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.94/2009 of Nirmal (Rural) Police Station, under sections 143, 341, 188 read with section 149 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Principal Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Nirmal, vide CC No.94/2009 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2329, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.232/2009 of Dharmavaram (Urban) Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Dharmavaram vide CC No.13/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2328, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.75/2009 of Peddapappur Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Tadipatri, vide CC No.72/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2327, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.104/2009 of Guntakal I-Town Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2326, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.378/2009 of Anantapur II-Town Police Station, under section 309 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 pending before the Hon¿ble Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Anantapur, vide CC No.290/2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2325, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Anantapur District ¿ Withdrawal of prosecution against the accused in Cr.No.115/2009 of Itikalapalli Police Station, under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2324, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - Law Department - Telephones ¿ Payment of bill for the month of November - 2010 Pertaining to the telephone No. 27221264 installed at the residence of Sri. K. Kuppuswamy, Officer on Special Duty in the cader of Additional Secretary to Government, Law Department ¿ Order - Issued . ===============================================================-
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2323, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LAW DEPARTMENT - Expenditure incurred on out-sourcing the services of two Attenders namely Smt Devireddy Lakshmi and Smt B.Swarnalatha in Law Department on contract basis through private agency - Payment of Rs.10,527/- (Rupees Ten thousand five hundred and twenty seven only) to M/s. Signy Management Services Private Limited, Hyderabad for the months of November, 2010 to December, 2010 during the period from 21-11-2010 to 20-12-2010 - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2322, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - Law Department - Telephones - Payment of bill for the months of October and November, - 2010 pertaining to Telephone No. 23318631 converted into official one working at the residence of Sri. N. Venkateswara Rao, Joint Secretary to Government, (Telugu) Law Department - Orders- Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2321, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment-Law Department - Telephones - Payment of bill for the month of November, 2010 pertaining to the Telephone No: 23450516 of Law (O) Department, II Floor, K Block, Law Department - Orders- Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2320, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LAW DEPARTMENT ¿ Expenditure incurred on outsourcing of Sri K.V.K.V.Prasad, Typist (Telugu),Law Department on contract basis through private agency- Payment of an amount of Rs.6668/- (Rupees Six thousand six hundred and sixty eight only) to M/s. Signy Management Services Private Limited, Hyderabad for the months of November and December, 2010 for the period from 21-11-2010 to 20-12-2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2319, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LAW DEPARTMENT ¿ Expenditure incurred on outsourcing of (5) Data Entry Operators through a registered man power supplying agency ¿ Sanction of Rs.28686/-(Rupees Twenty eight thousand six hundred and eighty six only) to M/s. Signy Management Services Private Limited, Hyderabad for the months of November, 2010 and December, 2010 for the period from 21-11-2010 to 20-12-2010 - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2318, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment-Law Department - Telephones - Payment of bill for the month of November, 2010 pertaining to the Telephone No: 23450514 (Fax) of Law (O) Department, II Floor, K Block, Law Department - Orders- Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2317, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - Law Department - Telephones - Payment of bill for the month of November, - 2010 pertaining to Telephone No. 24245683 converted into official one working at the residence of Sri. L. L. Narayana, Deputy Draftsman to Government, Law Department - Orders- Issued.
DEPARTMENT: LAW, GO RT: 2316, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - Law Department - Telephones - Conversion of Personal Telephone bearing No. 04040024665 into Official Telephone working at the residence of Sri T.Narayana Reddy, Additional Secretary to Government Law Department - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: MINORITIES WELFARE, GO RT: 309, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
M.W.DEPT. ¿ Payment of Telephone bill in respect of Telephone No.23450990 at the Office of the Deputy Secretary to Government, Minorities Welfare Department ¿ Sanction of expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: MINORITIES WELFARE, GO RT: 308, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
M.W.DEPT. ¿ Payment of Telephone bill in respect of Telephone No.23452114, at the Office of the Principal Secretary to Government, Minorities Welfare Department ¿ Sanction of expenditure ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: MINORITIES WELFARE, GO RT: 307, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Minorities Welfare Department ¿ Printing of 7 copies of reports pertains to Minorities Welfare Department at Technological Service Unit, A.P. Secretariat, Hyderabad ¿ Payment of copying amounts to Rs.261/- Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Public Service ¿ Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department ¿ Sri D. Upender the then Town Planning Assistant, Circle 10 GHMC Hyderabad. ¿ Departmental Proceedings under Rule-20 of the Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1991 ¿ Articles of charges - Issued.
Public Services ¿ Sri K. Srinivas, the then Town Planning Supervisor, erstwhile Kukatpally Municipality -Departmental action for failure to stop unauthorized construction at HIG 515,516, and 517 of Phase VI of KPHB colony, Kukatpally - Enquiry conducted - ¿ Imposition of Penalty of withholding of ¿one Annual Grade Increment without cumulative effect¿ in terms of Rule 9 of A.P.C.S. (CC&A) Rules 1991 ¿ Orders - Issued.
Public Servants ¿ MA & UD Department ¿ Allegation of Corruption against Sri Nazeem Ahmed, Executive Engineer, Nizamabad Mpl. Corporation who demanded and accepted bribe amount of Rs.30,000/- from the complainant - Trapped by the ACB on 7.12.2010 ¿ Deemed Suspension from service from the date of detention i.e., 7-12-2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
TUDA, Tirupathi ¿ Placing of Municipal Commissioner, Tirupathi in-charge of the post of Vice Chairman, Tirupathi Urban Development Authority during the leave period of present VC, TUDA for 12 days from 20.12.2010 to 31.12.2010¿ Orders - Issued
MA & UD Department - Establishment of Municipal Commissioners ¿ K.Dhananjaya Reddy, Additional director, Municipal Administration - Posted as Additional Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad - Orders ¿ Issued.
Vizainagaram District Saluru Town & Mandal ¿ Erection of statue of Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy near Subash Chandra Bose statue junction of Saluru ¿ Permission accorded ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department ¿ VGTM UDA, Vijayawada ¿ Change of land use from Residential use to Commercial use of the site falling in D.No.212(P), 211/2(P) of Mangalagiri Municipality Mangalagiri Mandal, Guntur District to an extent of 1011.62 Sq.Mtrs ¿ Draft Variation ¿ Notification ¿ Confirmation ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department ¿ VGTM UDA, Vijayawada ¿ Change of Land from Agricultural Use to Residential Use in R.S.Nos.40/1, 2, 4, 41/1, 2, 76/2(P), 3(P), 4(P), 77/1, 2, 4, 78/1, 2, 79/2, 81/1(P), 82/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 83/1B, 83/1C, 2, 92/1, 98/2, 102, 103/1 & 104/2(P) of Pedapulipaka Village, Penamaluru Mandal, Krishna District to an extent of Ac.30.56 ¾ Cents ¿ Draft Variation ¿ Notification- Confirmation ¿ Orders -Issued.
MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION & URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ¿ Constitution of Expert Committee for visiting the small SEZs/ Special development areas to identify and analyse the problems and make solutions - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1937, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
NABARD RIDF XIII ¿ Warangal District ¿ Providing BT on Road from Seerole village to Satyamatha Temple¿ in Warangal district -Revised Administrative sanction - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1936, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
NABARD XIV ¿ Karimnagar District ¿¿ ¿Providing BT to the road from 76/0 Km of T01 to Nagepally (0/00-1/80)¿ Est. Cost Rs.63.00 for an amount of 76.00 lakhs¿ ¿ Revised Administrative sanction with change of nomenclature and permission to utilize the less tender percentage (saving amount)¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1935, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Budget Estimates 2010-11 - Budget Release Order for Rs.2327.79 Lakhs towards payment of Interest and Principle on the loans taken from the HUDCO under the Scheme Nos. 18470, 18890, 19429 & 18179 (APSW&SM) for the quarter ending 31.12.2010 ¿ Administrative Sanction - Orders - IssuedBudget Estimates 2010-11 - Budget Release Order for Rs.2327.79 Lakhs towards payment of Interest and Principle on the loans taken from the HUDCO under the Scheme Nos. 18470, 18890, 19429 & 18179 (APSW&SM) for the quarter ending 31.12.2010 ¿ Administrative Sanction - Orders - Issued
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1934, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
PUBLIC SERVICES ¿ Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department ¿ Sri M. Giriraj, I/c Executive Engineer, PRI, Dharmavaram at Anantapur ¿ Departmental proceedings under Rule 20 of Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1991 ¿ Article of charges ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1933, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
BRGF- Release of funds for Rs. 12.97 Crore as against the balance Allocation/supplementary district plan 2010-2011 of Anantapur district in financial year 2010-2011 against the balance allocation - Administrative Sanction - Orders -Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1932, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Panchayat Raj Engineering Department - Retirement of Engineer-in-Chief/Superintending Engineers / Executive Engineers ¿ Notification ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1931, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
PMGSY ¿ Srikakulam District Nadigama Mandal ¿ Flood damages due to recent rains ¿ N.P.Road to Vuyyalapeta- Immediate restoration required ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders-¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1930, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
BRGF- Release of funds for Rs.113.25 crore towards Central Assistance under BRGF Scheme to the 12 Districts for the year 2010-11 against the balance allocation - Administrative Sanction - Orders -Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1929, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
PUBLIC SERVICES ¿ Sri Mendu Venkateswara Rao, Executive Engineer, Panchayat Raj, Vijayawada, Krishna District (under suspension) - Reinstatement into service, without prejudice to the disciplinary/criminal proceedings against Sri M. Venkateswara Rao - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1928, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Mandal Parishad Development Officers ¿ Sri K.Hari Prasada Rao, MPDO, working as Assistant Commissioner, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation, Visakhapatnam on deputation ¿ Extension of deputation period ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1927, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
RD Department ¿ Payment towards printing of papers related to the Memorandum of Council of Ministers and Ordinance on MFIs ¿ Agenda for Council Of ministers - Accorded ¿ orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1926, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Mandal Parishad Development Officers ¿ Dr.V.Siva Sankara Prasad, MPDO, MPP, Pedapadu, West Godavari District, now working on deputation at the O/o the Commissioner, AMR- APARD ¿- Extension of Deputation period for a further period of one year (i.e. 5th year) w.e.f 01.06.2010 to 31.05.2011 - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1925, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LOANS AND ADVANCES ¿ Advance to Government Servants for House Building Advance ¿ Rs.2,25,000/- to Sri G.Srinivasu, Assistant Section Officer, PR&RD Department towards 2nd instalment¿Sanctioned ¿Orders-Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1924, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LOANS AND ADVANCES ¿ Advance to Government Servants for House Building Advance ¿ Rs.1,20,000/- to Sri S.Sreenu, Section Officer, PR&RD Department towards 3rd and final instalment¿Sanction ¿Orders-Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 1923, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
LOANS AND ADVANCES ¿ Advance to Government Servants for House Building Advance ¿ Rs.1,66,000/- to Sri P.Prakash, Office Subordinate, PR&RD Department towards 3rd and final instalment¿Sanctioned ¿Orders-Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1032, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 29/12/2010
P.S. ¿ Planning Department ¿ Smt.D.Nagamani, formerly Project Officer, ITDA, Srisailam, presently working as Joint Director, O/o.Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad ¿ Certain major and large scale of irregularities in material purchases beyond budgetary provisions - Departmental proceedings under Rule 20 of the APCS (CC&A) Rules 1991 ¿ Articles of charges issued ¿ Minor penalty of Censure imposed - Censure dropped ¿ Treated her suspension period as `on duty¿ ¿ Sanction of full pay and allowances for the period of suspension ¿ orders issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1031, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
Planning Department - Permission to Sri B.Gopal, Joint Director and Sri K. Kannababu Assistant Director, O/o the Director, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad to attend the Meeting of all State Agricultural Census Commissioners at New Delhi on 04-01-2011 - Accorded- Orders-Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1030, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - Planning Department ¿ Sri Sanjay Gupta, IFS (87) ¿ Appointed as Additional Project Director and Implementing Officer, A.P.State Disaster Mitigation Society (APSDMS) ¿ Posting - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1029, Category :Tours, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment - Planning Department ¿ Smt.B.Sandhya Sree, Director of Planning Department to go to New Delhi in connection with the review meeting by the Secretary, Planning Commission at the Yojana Bhavan, New Delhi on 03-12-2010 ¿ post facto Permission ¿ Accorded -Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1028, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Motor Vehicles ¿ Sanction of Rs.1,61,55,000/- to Vice Chairman & Managing Director, APSRTC, Hyderabad towards expenditure incurred on accessories provided to the Vehicles used by Hon¿ble C.M during his visits to the Districts on the occasion of Rajiv Nagara Bata and Rajiv Palle Bata ¿ Order ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PLANNING, GO RT: 1027, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Planning Department ¿ Establishment - Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Hyderabad ¿ Gazetted -Surrender of Earned Leave for encashment by Sri V.Subramanyam, Director O/o Commissioner (R&R) I & CAD, Department, Hyderabad. - During the financial year 2010-11 ¿Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC ENTERPRISE, GO RT: 228, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Enterprises Department ¿ Expenditure towards payment of Telephone Bill of Telephone No. 23220832 pertaining to the residence of the Principal Secretary to Government, Public Enterprises Department for the month of November, 2010 ¿ Sanction of an amount of Rs.2845/- ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC ENTERPRISE, GO RT: 227, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Enterprises Department ¿ Expenditure towards payment of Telephone Bill of Telephone No. 23452022 for the use of the Special Chief Secretary to Government, Public Enterprises Department at his Office for the month of November, 2010 ¿ Expenditure of Rs.1391/- - Sanctioned - Orders ¿ Issued
DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC ENTERPRISE, GO RT: 226, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Enterprises Department ¿ Supply of Cell Phones for the use of Public Enterprises Department ¿ Expenditure of Rs.23,200/- - Sanction - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC ENTERPRISE, GO RT: 225, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medical Reimbursement - Public Enterprises Department ¿Sri P.Radhangapani, Section Officer, Retired - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses of Rs.5,272/- incurred for the treatment of his mother ¿ Sanction Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC ENTERPRISE, GO RT: 224, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Medical Reimbursement - Public Enterprises Department ¿Sri P.Radhangapani, Section Officer, Retired - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses of Rs.2,660/- incurred for self treatment ¿ Sanction Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC ENTERPRISE, GO RT: 223, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Enterprises Department ¿ Expenditure towards payment of Telephone Bill of Telephone No. 9848171201 for the use of the Principal Secretary to Government, Public Enterprises Department for the period from 12-11-2010 to 11.12.2010 ¿ Sanction of an amount of Rs. 899/- ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: RAIN SHADOW AREAS DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 196, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
ALL INDIA SERVICES (MEDICAL ATTENDENCE) RULES, 1954 ¿ Sri R.S.Goel, IAS (Retd.), the then Special Chief Secretary to Government, RSAD Department ¿ Reimbursement of medical expenses - Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: RAIN SHADOW AREAS DEVELOPMENT, GO RT: 195, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Salary of Outsourcing Employees ¿ Rain Shadow Areas Development Department ¿ Sanction towards payment of salaries to the outsourcing employees of Rain Shadow Areas Development Department for the period from 21-11-2010 to 20-12-2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1752, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 29/12/2010
Registration and Stamps Department ¿ Posting of Sri B.Lakshminarayana, Probationary District Registrar ¿ Orders ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1751, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 29/12/2010
PROFESSIONAL CHARGES ¿ Disciplinary proceedings against Sri G. Kesava Rao, Prohibition & Excise Superintendent and Sri G. Vishnu Swaroop Reddy, Deputy Commissioner, Prohibition & Excise, Guntur ¿ Case entrusted to Commissioner of Inquiries ¿ Payment of fee to Sri Sarva Srinivasa Rao, Advocate and Presenting Officer for appearing before the Commissioner of Inquiries ¿ Sanction ¿ Accorded.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1750, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Registration and Stamps Department ¿ Request transfer of Sri K.Muralidhar Reddy, District Registrar, Kadapa as District Registrar (MV&A) Chittoor - Orders ¿Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1749, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Revenue Department-- District Administration - Budget Estimates 2010-11-Administrative Sanction for an amount of Rs.70,00,000/- to the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Accorded - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1748, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
Revenue Department ¿ Village Administration ¿ YSR District ¿ Request of Sri M.V.Hemantha Reddy, S/o Late M.Rajagopal Reddy, Part-time Assistant, Talamudipi (V) Galiveedu (M) of Y.S.R District for providing compassionate appointment as Village Revenue Officer in relaxation of upper age limit ¿ Considered ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1747, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries Act, 1952 - Renewal of Certificate of Practice in respect of Sri N. Narasimhuloo, Advocate and Notary, Krishnaveni Nagar, (Opp. Fruit Market), Gaddiannaram of Ranga Reddy District for a further period of five years - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1746, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries Act, 1952 - Renewal of Certificate of Practice in respect of Sri P.Narasarayudu, Advocate and Notary, Gannavaram (V), Krishna District for a further period of five years - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1745, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries Act, 1952- Renewal of Certificate of Practice in respect of Sri A.Simha Chalam, Advocate and Notary, Ranasthalam, Srikakulam District for a further period of five years - Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1744, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
OP ¿ Revenue Department ¿ Sri K.Raghavaiah, Assistant Section Officer ¿ Revenue Department - Reimbursement of medical expenses of Rs. 4,350/- incurred for his wife¿s treatment - Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO RT: 1743, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
OP ¿ Revenue Department ¿ Sri K.Raghavaiah, Assistant Section Officer ¿ Revenue Department - Reimbursement of medical expenses of Rs. 4,675/- incurred for his treatment - Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1482, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Makey Davy Prasad, Advocate, Ambajipeta, East Godavari District as Notary in respect of Ambajipeta Mandal area ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1481, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri R.Srinivasa Rao, Advocate, Kovvur, West Godavari District as Notary in respect of Kovvuru Town area ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1480, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri D.Ramu, Advocate, Nalgonda, Nalgonda District as Notary in respect of Nalgonda town area in Nalgonda District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1479, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Mohammed Muzibulla Baig, Advocate, Tolichowki, Hyderabad as Notary in respect of Tolichowki area, Hyderabad City ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1478, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri P.Kiran Kumar, Advocate, Nizamabad, Nizamabad District as Notary in respect of Vinayaknagar area, Nizamabad Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1477, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri T. Rambabu, Advocate, Eluru, West Godavari District as Notary in respect of Ramachandrarao Pet area, Eluru City ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1476, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri A. Rambhao, Advocate, Chinnur, Adilabad District as Notary in respect of Chinnur area in Adilabad District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1475, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Ch. Mastan Rao, Advocate, Chirala, Prakasam District as Notary in respect of Chirala area in Prakasam District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1474, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri G. Radhakrishna, Advocate, Madakasira, Anantapur District as Notary in respect of Madakasira area, Anantapur District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1473, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri P.S.V. Satya Ramesh, Advocate, Srikakulam, Srikakulam District as Notary in respect of Manguvarithota area, Srikakulam Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1472, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Smt.Y. Gayathri, Advocate, Puttur, Chittoor District as Notary in respect of Puttur area, Chittoor District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1471, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Amar Singh Tilawat, Advocate, Sirpur Kaghaznagar, Adilabad District as Notary in respect of Sirpur Kaghaznagar area, Adilabad District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1470, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri P. Sudhakar Rao, Advocate, Nakrekal, Nalgonda District as Notary in respect of Nakrekal area in Nalgonda District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1469, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Fareed Khan, Advocate, Sangareddy, Medak District as Notary in respect of Rajampet area, Sangareddy Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1468, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Mohammed Abdul Aleem, Advocate, Jagtial, Karimnagar District as Notary in respect of Jagtial area, in Karimnagar District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1467, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Smt.Mahajan Neena, Advocate, Adilabad, Adilabad District as Notary in respect of Adilabad Town area in Adilabad District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1466, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri M. Venugopal Reddy, Advocate, Nalgonda, Nalgonda District as Notary in respect of Nalgonda area ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1465, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri B. Manaiah, Advocate, Zahirabad, Medak District as Notary in respect of Zahirabad area in Medak District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1464, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Nalluri Ramu, Advocate, Chirala, Prakasam District as Notary in respect of Chirala area in Prakasam District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1463, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri D. Chalapathi Rao, Advocate, Sompeta, Srikakulam District as Notary in respect of Chikati Sompeta area, Sompeta Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1462, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri P.Jai Shankar, Advocate, Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam District as Notary in respect of Malkapuram area, Visakhapatnam City ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1461, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Chekka N.V.S. Srinivas, Advocate, Kakinada, East Godavari District as Notary in respect of Market Tank area, Kakinada Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1460, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri G. Sathyartha Prakash, Advocate, Korutla, Karimnagar District as Notary in respect of Korutla area in Karimnagar District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1459, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Kola Gangaiah, Advocate, Khanapur, Adilabad District as Notary in respect of Khanapur Mandal area, Adilabad District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1458, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri L. Vasudeva Reddy, Advocate, Kadiri, Anantapur District as Notary in respect of Kadiri area, Anantapur District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1457, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Karri Venkata Satya Vara Prasada Rao, Advocate, Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam District as Notary in respect of Buchirajupalem area, Visakhapatnam City ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1456, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Shaik Ayub Basha, Advocate, Punganur, Chittoor District as Notary in respect of Punganur area, Chittoor District ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1455, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri Bhagavan Das, Advocate, Ichapuram, Srikakulam District as Notary in respect of Ichapuram area, Srikakulam District Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1454, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
APVAT Act, 2005 ¿ Refund of the tax paid on purchases and Works Contract tax made by the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust ¿ Notification ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1453, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri K.V.P. Madhava Rao, Advocate, Eluru, West Godavari District as Notary in respect of Chodidibba area in Eluru Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: REVENUE, GO MS: 1452, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Notaries ¿ Notaries Act, 1952 ¿ Appointment of Notaries ¿ Appointment of Sri T. Nageswara Rao, Advocate, Kovvuru, West Godavari District as Notary in respect of Bapujinagar area, Kovvuru Town ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL WELFARE, GO RT: 1063, Category :Others, Dated: 29/12/2010
ESTT ¿ S W DEPT ¿ Payment of Rs.535/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Thirty Five only) towards the rental and call charges from 01-11-2010 to 30-11-2010 without surcharge for Government Telephone No.27630620 working at the Residence of the Joint Secretary to Government (OP), Social Welfare Department ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL WELFARE, GO RT: 1062, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ Social Welfare Department ¿ Sanction of Rs.22,262/- to Smt K.Eswari, Section Officer, Social Welfare Department towards reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by her for treatment of her father ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL WELFARE, GO RT: 1061, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Social Welfare ¿ Karimnagar District ¿ Renikunta(V), Thimmapur(M) ¿ Land Acquired to an extent of Ac.4.14 Gts, bearing Sy.Nos. 5A and 15C for providing house sites to the weaker section¿s people ¿ Sanction of Rs. 21,37,095/- towards balance decretal charges, as per the orders of the Hon¿ble High Court, orders dated 05.03.2009, in AS. No.381/2006 in O.P.No. 18/2001 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORT ROADS AND BUILDING, GO RT: 1146, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Services ¿ Roads & Buildings Department ¿ Sri P.Sri Ramulu, the then Executive Engineer, Mahabubabad, I/c.S.E. (R&B) Retired, expired ¿ Grave irregularities and misappropriation of funds in purchase of caution/sign boards ¿ Departmental proceedings initiated ¿ Further action dropped as abated duly recovering the excess expenditure of Rs.1,93,980/- - Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORT ROADS AND BUILDING, GO RT: 1145, Category :Service Matter, Dated: 28/12/2010
PS - R&B Department ¿ Krishna District ¿ Irregularities in maintenance works of Ordinary Repairs in Mylavaram in R&B Division ¿ Inspected by the Advisor, QC for R&B Department - Disciplinary proceedings initiated - Inquiry Conducted - Further action dropped - Orders issued.
DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORT ROADS AND BUILDING, GO RT: 1144, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
R&B Department ¿ APRDC ¿ Pranahitha Pushkarams held in December, 2010 at Kaleswaram ¿ Improvements of roads leading to Parkal ¿ Mahadevpur Road and Mahadevpur ¿ Kaleswaram Road ¿ Administrative Sanction under Corenet Plan - Accorded ¿ Orders - Issued.
DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORT ROADS AND BUILDING, GO RT: 1143, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Transport, Roads & Buildings Department ¿ Secretariat - BSNL Telephones ¿ Expenditure towards Telephone charges of Officers in Transport, Roads & Buildings Department - Expenditure ¿ Sanctioned ¿ orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORT ROADS AND BUILDING, GO RT: 1142, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Establishment ¿ T.R. & B Department ¿ Sri Md.Munawar, Office Subordinate, Transport, Roads and Buildings Department ¿ Reimbursement of Medical Expenses of Rs. 3372/- ¿ Sanctioned ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
DEPARTMENT: TRANSPORT ROADS AND BUILDING, GO RT: 1141, Category :Others, Dated: 28/12/2010
Public Services ¿ Roads and Buildings Department ¿ Release of Pensionary Benefits to Smt. Kanaka Mahalakshmi, W/o Late Sri K. Sree Rama Murthy, Assistant Executive Engineer (R&B) (Expired on 04.01.2007 while in service) - Orders ¿ Issued.
Dept. for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens ¿ Release of 3rd installment for the year 2010-2011 for Rs.1,07,14,000/- (Rupees One Crore Seven lakhs and Fourteen Thousands only) under Plan ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Dept. for W.C.D & S.C. ¿ B.E. for the year 2010-11 for an amount of Rs.21,25,000/- (Rupees Twenty one lakhs and Twenty Five thousands only) towards 3rd quarter under Plan ¿ Administrative Sanction ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
W,C,D & SC Department., - AP Foods- Sri. R.Sai Visweswara Rao, Manager (HRD), AP Foods, Hyderabad ¿ Repatriation to Revenue Department ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Department for Women, Children, (Estt) Disabled & Senior Citizens ¿ Sri M.Prabhakar APO (Retired) Women Development & Child Welfare Agency, Nizamabad District ¿ Sanction of Provisional Pension ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens - Establishment ¿ Sri. P. Satyanarayana Reddy, IAS., Managing Director, A.P. Foods, Hyd. ¿ Kept FAC to the post of Commissioner, Welfare of Disabled and Senior Citizens Dept., for the period from 24.12.2010 to 30.12.2010 ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
Tourism Promotion ¿ Payment of Reliance Wireless Internet Charges for the use of Additional Chief (PMU) YAT & C Department during the period from 22-11-2010 to 21-12-2010 ¿ Sanction of Rs.1925/- - Orders ¿ Issued.
Office Expenses - Youth Advancement, Tourism & Culture Department - Expenditure towards telephone charges on Phone No.040-27062684 being used at the residence of Deputy Secretary to Government (YS&S) Youth Advancement, Tourism & Culture Department, for the month of November 2010 - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
YAT&C (CA) Dept - Department of Culture Budget 2010-11 - Release of Rs.50.00 lakhs to meet the expenditure in connection with the celebrations of 500th year Coronation of Sri Krishna Devarayalu in relaxation of Treasury control and quarterly regularization orders pending inclusion in the Supplementary Estimates2010-11 to the Director of Culture, Hyderabad under Plan - Administrative sanction ¿ Accorded - Orders - Issued.
Archaeology and Museums ¿ Protection of Sri Kodanda Rama Swamy Temple, Gollala Mamidada Village, Pedapudi Taluk, East Godavari District ¿ Notification under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Andhra Pradesh Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1960 ¿ (Andhra Pradesh Act VII of 1960) ¿ Orders ¿ Issued.
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